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Welcome to the Smithtown Central School District's  Industry Advisory Board.  

You have expressed an interest in our organization.  Please browse our committee pages to get a better idea as to our goals and projects.

Please contact us to enroll you in our email database. We look forward to your attendance at our next meeting  if your schedule permits.

Your participation in our group can make a difference in the education of our students!



The Smithtown Central School District's "Industry Advisory Board" is composed of more than 150 representatives from the business, government, parent, alumni and education communities. The advisory board:

bulletProvides verbal and written support for educational projects.
bulletProvides advice concerning labor market trends, equipment, materials and training methods.
bulletParticipates in activities that directly impact students, i.e. Cooperative Work Experience, School/Industry Partnerships, internships, mentors, guest speakers, field trips.
bulletAssists in creating new instructional materials.
bulletAssists professional staff in updating knowledge and methods.

The Board meets six times a year
at Smithtown High School,
Thursdays, 3-5 p.m.


bulletAdvisory board members have direct contact with students through participation in K-12 career fairs, classroom workshops and presentations.
bulletGain community name recognition, reaching students, parents and educators.
bulletEnhance your corporate image and corporate citizenship.
bulletInvigorate your organization through diverse relationships.
bulletEnhance your employee morale.
bulletConnect to future employees.
bulletMotivate your staff and enhance employee skills.
bulletCreate links with schools for internships.
bulletCommunicate industry needs/skills in the workplace.
bulletUndertake joint projects, such as beta testing, at school site.

Benefits to Educators:

bulletUpdate curriculum for 21st century workforce.
bulletTeachers update their technological skills
bulletSchool districts share resources with industry.
bulletStudents and faculty experience the changing work world.
bulletBusiness becomes familiar with the challenges schools face.
bulletEducation becomes familiar with the world we are preparing our students to enter.
bulletInvolvement builds understanding;  Understanding builds support.


See the 





















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