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Contact Susan Gubing
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Starry, Starry Night A BIG SUCCESS!

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Tim Needles, Committee Co-Chair 

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Over 150 parents and students attended the event.

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Donna Anselmo, center, Comvergence Marketing, discusses careers with interested parents.

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Dr. Susan Sykes Hendee, NYIT, explains the role art plays in the food industry.

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Mike Arnold, Smithtown Alumni and free lance artist chats with students.

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Paul Vitello, Newsday and George Giokas, StaffWriters Plus made great contributions to the panel discussion.

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Mike Prywes, Film Producer speaks to a parent about screenwriting.

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Erin Hurson, Hybrid Films and Adelphi University shares career tips.

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Karl Margraf and Joe Reboli exchange fine art pointers.

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The panel was informative and inspiring.

Thanks to the committee members and the refreshments sponsors  for making this a very enjoyable event.


  Great job!  Chauncey, Lynn, Elyse, Elaine, George, Marc, John, Laura, Phyllis, Fenton, Tim and all the students.


Panelists and Presenters:

§         Paul Vitello - Newsday columnist 

§         Bob Buchmann- Program Director & Disk Jockey Q104.3 FM

§         Bob Mattson - CEO of Sanna, Mattson, MacLeod

§         Dawn Berkowitz-Ader- Creative director: A&E, The History Channel

§         Joe Reboli - professional painter

§         Annemarie Weis – HR director RCA Music Group

§         Michael Prywes- Producer, Writer, Director

§         George Giokas- Staffwriters Plus

§         Mike Arnold - animator, cartoonist, illustrator, works for Sesame Street

§         Karl Margraf - fine artist

§         Donna Anselmo - Comvergence Marketing & graphic designer

§         Rob Cuni- MLB Baseball & Smithtown News Photographer

§         Milan Savanovic- architect

§         Susan Sykes Hendee, Culinary Chairperson for NYIT


Erin Hurson, Editor Hybrid Films; Adelphi Assistant Instructor


Bob Michell, Photographer Stepping Stone Gallery

Invited Professionals

§         Ellen Nora- Mtv animator

§         George Wallace- author and publisher of L.I. Quarterly

§         Jason Catalano- alumni actor and playwright

§         Jeremy Dean- musician, Nine Days

§         Pauli Sumolian- sculptor

Confirmed Colleges

Five Towns College, Aaron Copland, Adelphi, CW Post, Dowling College, Hofstra, NY Institute of Technology, Suffolk County Community College, School of Visual Arts, and Stony Brook University 

Participating Colleges

Five Towns College, Aaron Copland, Adelphi, C W Post, Dowling College, Hofstra, NYIT, Suffolk County Community College, School of Visual Arts, Stony Brook University.

  Refreshments sponsored by: 
Staffwriters Plus, Starbucks, and 
NYIT Culinary Arts Center

 Thursday, April 10

Student Art and Media work on display from the 

Smithtown High School Art classes. 

Music performance by the Smithtown High School String Ensemble



We are currently seeking to add to our committee's membership individuals from the corporate and college sectors.  We encourage you to identify other individuals within your corporation who maybe able to assist us.  Contact Tim Needles


CO-CHAIRS:  Lynn Zawacki and Tim Needles

First Name Last Name Title Corporation Phone email
Vicki Becker President Success Graphics 361-7123
Chauncey Cone Social Studies Teacher Smithtown High School 382-2900
Tom Conway Assistant Principal Smithtown High School 382-2900
Elaine De Luca Byrnes Marketing Director Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co. 434-9500
Elyse Frank
Smithtown High School 382-2900
George Giokas President StaffWriters Plus 582-9000
Kim Guthrie Regional Vice President Cox Radio 587-1023
Charles Janosick President Proforma Executive Business Serv 862-7555
Debra Kalabza Music Coordinator Smithtown High School 382-2900
Sue Lee English Instructor Smithtown High School 382-2900
Phyllis Manville Director of Arts Smithtown High School 382-2900
Cathy Masrour Media Center Director Smithtown High School 382-2900
Fenton Maxwell Marketing Pro Image Studios 234-4310 x113
Tim Needles Art Teacher Smithtown High School 382-2900
John Nocero Assistant Principal Smithtown High School 382-2305
Laura Seinfeld Director of Curriculum Smithtown Central School District 382-2035
Marc Schimsky Art Teacher Smithtown High School 382-2900
Lynn Zawacki Public Relations Consultant


















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